Friday, August 16, 2013

First day of Pre-K

Yesterday was a very long day for Mama, Baba and all of the Aunties at the office.  Jaden had his first day of Pre-K at Stone Bridge Academy.  He has a wonderful teacher that he really likes and his class only has about a dozen kids.  I was so nervous all day waiting on a call that never came.  My worries were things like bullies picking on him for his lack of English, melt down at nap time or lunch.  I wasted energy worrying because apparently he had a wonderful day.  When I picked him up at 3:15 he was ready to go but didn't seem overly-ready.  :)  He looked so grown up with his back pack and his lunch bag.  In typical boy fashion, I had to pull details out over ice cream at DQ.  Our conversation went something like this:

Did you have fun at school today?

What did you do?
Umm, colored purple snakes and played with fire.

Umm, really?

Anything else?
Yes, the teacher took a nap.


Upon further discussion, he decided that the "little teacher" in a dress took a nap.  I take that to mean it was one of his classmates and the fire was playing fireman (I think).  The teacher denies classroom fires, so I think we are okay.  :)

When we got to the office(after yelling "Where's my Baba?!"  several times and getting a good Baba hug), he was almost frantically hungry.  He actually dug in the trash to get a cracker out of the trash.  I think not having snacks available on demand all day is going to take a little getting used to for Jaden.  For the last 6 months we have pretty much fed him on his own schedule and even with that he hasn't had much weight gain.  I'd say he had a tapeworm if he hadn't been checked.  I guess it is just little boy energy. 

This morning when he got up and we started to get him ready for school, he was fine going but wanted to go to school naked.  Hmm, I wonder what response that would get.  They have said they are willing to make whatever accommodations he needs until he's fully comfortable but this may stretch that a little.  He seemed happy at drop off and so I am going to try not to worry today. 
Jaden and Ms Wann

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