We have article 5 drop-off! :)
It sounds like something NASA might say, doesn't it? I'm so excited! I was shaking when I read the email. In adoptese this means that Jaden has now been classified as "an immediate relative" for immigration purposes and we are on the last step before the wait for Travel Approval! The article 5 will be at the China consulate for exactly 2 weeks at which time our agent in China will pick it up and take it to the department in China that issues Travel approval. The wait for "TA" can be 3-18 days. As soon as we get TA we can make our flight plans; I've seen families leave as early as 3 days after TA. We could be leaving in as little as 3.5 weeks! I'm not going to mention how long it could be because that is not going to apply to us, right? Time to do some serious packing. :)
There are a million and one things to think about and get done between now and then. Umm, I think I waited a little to late to get those 10 lbs off though. ;-)
I still don't have a clue what size Jaden will wear, we have asked for an update but thus far haven't seen anything. What most folks that have been there, done that say is bring clothes much smaller than you think you will need and don't bother to bring shoes as they are very cheap in China. The consensus is most of the little guys from China have no heiny to speak of and to bring things with an elastic or adjustable waist. Several on our fb group have used dog collars as belts because they couldn't find belts tiny enough. Hmm, I think Dug will share. :)
Our plan is to bring what we have and just donate to the orphanage anything that is too small. It is so odd to buy little clothes again!
We found out that his orphanage director is willing to help prepare him for his adoption. This is wonderful news as so often the kids have absolutely no idea that they are about to be adopted. (Just this week there have been several examples given on the fb groups of kids who were misled about the adoption trip. One was told by the caregivers who dropped the child off that they were just "going to get NaiNai (foster grandma)." My heart hurt when I read how this little girl wailed at the hotel room window all day waiting on the only parent figure she had ever known to come back and get her. That family is still in China with her and have blogged that she is grieving but is beginning to accept some comfort from her new mama and baba. Thankfully, they were able to get the guide to explain that the foster grandmother was not coming back and that this is her new family. Poor baby. Please join me in praying for healing of this little girl and her family. Another child was told that they were going off to "camp." Please Lord, let them be honest with Jaden.)
The somewhat odd thing about Jaden's orphanage situation is that they are going to have a farewell party for him in December. That is very sweet but I hope that doesn't freak him out that we don't show up right after the party. I think they plan to wait until then to give him the "forever family" package we sent him and to start showing him the pictures we sent. It would help so much if he was familiar with our faces when we got there.
On another note, I got an incredibly meaningful quilt square today. I need to get permission to share but I just need to tell everyone that is thinking of us and wanting to be part of this for Jaden, I hope when it is finished, Jaden will treasure this forever. Mother Theresa says one of the greatest hungers a child can suffer from is the hunger to be loved. Jaden will know that he was well loved before he ever got here.
Blessings, y'all.
Just in case anyone was wondering why the time line says 12/4 but I said "today," We got it tonight which is already tomorrow in China. :)
ReplyDeleteI am SO excited for you all. That TA will be here soon. Praying with you that Jaden will be prepared by his caregivers and that God will prepare his heart.
ReplyDeleteAnxiously awaiting the next post...
Thanks Martha! Just a few more days to Art 5 Pickup and then the TA wait begins. Praying for a really quick one!